2023 Penn Bowl at Harvard

Round 7: MIT A vs. Tufts A

Tufts A


John Cha11120
Riley Daniel0000
Cecile Thomas0000
Ethan Siskel0115
Vedant Modi01010
4 bonuses for 50 points (12.5 PPB)



Katherine Lei07165
Caleb Zhao001-5
Peter Berggren11120
Rodrigo Rose04040
13 bonuses for 220 points (16.92 PPB)

John ChaRiley DanielCecile ThomasEthan SiskelVedant ModiBonusesTotalTUKatherine LeiCaleb ZhaoPeter BerggrenRodrigo RoseBonusesTotal
0110 107100020
02-5 11815
0310 72010035
04-5 9530
0510 95001050
0610 13010101090
10 9101010307-5 6985
30810 125101010125
30910 9001010155
301010 1020100175
301215 700100200
-5 94251310 123101010240
10 6700104514240
15 3601007015240
701610 12901010270
-5 76651710 11010100300
651810 1250100320
10 9500108519320
852010 1060100340
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text