2023 Penn Bowl at Harvard

Round 6: Brandeis A vs. MIT A

Brandeis A


Christopher Dech11025
Tanner Eustace01010
Nathaniel Martin001-5
Eli Issokson01010
Jack Granahan01010
5 bonuses for 60 points (12 PPB)



Peter Berggren1025
Rodrigo Rose10015
Nathan Sheffield26090
Katherine Lei05050
15 bonuses for 260 points (17.33 PPB)

Christopher DechTanner EustaceNathaniel MartinEli IssoksonJack GranahanBonusesTotalTUPeter BerggrenRodrigo RoseNathan SheffieldKatherine LeiBonusesTotal
0110 12910101040
0210 1411010070
10 1361000203-5 7665
10 1400100404-5 8560
40510 131100080
40615 7210100115
40715 3610010150
40815 5901010185
40910 1110100205
401010 740010225
401110 730100245
-5 99351210 11401010275
15 7410006013275
601410 79101010315
601515 5410100350
601610 1140100370
601710 1121000390
10 980007018390
701910 9110100420
10 6710101011020420
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text