2023 Penn Bowl at Harvard

Round 5: Boston College A vs. MIT A

Boston College A


James Mangraviti01010
Theodore Benzmiller11025
Alexander Nassar0000
Robin Lee01010
4 bonuses for 50 points (12.5 PPB)



Katherine Lei02020
Nathan Sheffield07165
Peter Berggren11025
Rodrigo Rose02020
13 bonuses for 220 points (16.92 PPB)

James MangravitiTheodore BenzmillerAlexander NassarRobin LeeBonusesTotalTUKatherine LeiNathan SheffieldPeter BerggrenRodrigo RoseBonusesTotal
0110 98100020
0210 651010050
0315 9510101095
0410 125101010135
0510 1220100155
06-5 37150
0710 12610100180
0810 730100200
0910 89101010240
01010 1070100260
10 10201002011260
201210 911000280
201310 1430010300
0 12220140 122300
10 130010105015300
15 6310007516300
751710 8510100330
75180 146330
10 10910009519330
952010 900100350
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text