2023 Penn Bowl at Harvard

Round 3: Boston College A vs. Harvard A

Boston College A


Theodore Benzmiller02115
Emir Gul0000
Alexander Nassar0000
Robin Lee11120
4 bonuses for 30 points (7.5 PPB)

Harvard A


Joy An06060
Max Neal03125
Jake Greer10015
Cindy Gao02020
12 bonuses for 160 points (13.33 PPB)

Theodore BenzmillerEmir GulAlexander NassarRobin LeeBonusesTotalTUJoy AnMax NealJake GreerCindy GaoBonusesTotal
0110 12100010
10 111010020210
-5 9015310
-5 1171040 12310
10510 851010040
10610 951001070
15 7200025770
25810 14001010100
25910 1150100120
251010 137000130
10 9300104511130
451210 118101010170
451310 12601010200
451410 139000210
451510 9710100240
45160 129240
45170 135240
451815 390100265
451910 940010285
10 13201006520-5 108280
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text