2023 Penn Bowl at Harvard

Round 2: Boston College A vs. Brandeis A

Boston College A


James Mangraviti13045
Theodore Benzmiller05050
Emir Gul01010
Robin Lee0120
11 bonuses for 80 points (7.27 PPB)

Brandeis A


Christopher Dech002-10
Jack Granahan001-5
Eli Issokson04230
Harrison Sugarman001-5
Nathaniel Martin0000
4 bonuses for 40 points (10 PPB)

James MangravitiTheodore BenzmillerEmir GulRobin LeeBonusesTotalTUChristopher DechJack GranahanEli IssoksonHarrison SugarmanNathaniel MartinBonusesTotal
10 10701002010
10 1360003020
0 147303-5 64-5
0 1233040 123-5
10 11410100605-5 102-10
10 901000806-10
10 9700101007-10
-5 7095810 134010010
95910 100100030
9510-5 13025
10 1531000115110 15325
0 13511512-5 13320
11513-5 11815
10 9610001351415
10 122100015515-5 7510
-5 991501610 135001030
15 810001651730
10 910001751830
10 1290001851930
1852010 129010050
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text