2023 Penn Bowl at Texas

Round 8: Rice A vs. Texas A

Rice A


Evelina Tcherniak0000
Charles Wells0000
Letian Li1025
Rahul Kumar001-5
1 bonuses for 0 points (0 PPB)

Texas A


Jisoo Yoo16075
Chinmay Murthy02020
Athena Shadden16170
16 bonuses for 230 points (14.38 PPB)

Evelina TcherniakCharles WellsLetian LiRahul KumarBonusesTotalTUJisoo YooChinmay MurthyAthena ShaddenBonusesTotal
0210 1170101030
-5 104-5310 1351010060
-5410 90010080
-5510 9310100110
-5 99-10610 13101010140
-5 90-15710 1291000160
-15810 610010180
-15910 1100100200
-151115 361000225
-151210 1110100245
-151310 13110010275
-151410 13501010305
15 45000015305
01610 1220010325
01715 7910010360
018-5 108355
01910 1151000375
02010 1060010395
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text