2023 Penn Bowl at Texas

Round 7: Oklahoma B vs. Texas B

Texas B


Ryan Humphrey05145
Gia Harvey-Slager03030
Parker Knudson03125
11 bonuses for 130 points (11.82 PPB)

Oklahoma B


Daniel Shamsee0000
Ryan Little0115
Christopher Lloyd01010
Kassidy Long06060
8 bonuses for 80 points (10 PPB)

Ryan HumphreyGia Harvey-SlagerParker KnudsonBonusesTotalTUDaniel ShamseeRyan LittleChristopher LloydKassidy LongBonusesTotal
10 10610002010
20210 139010020
20310 92001040
10 95010040540
10 130010060640
-5 12255710 12600050
55810 151001070
10 12210101095970
951010 13900080
10 13801001151180
10 11900101351280
10 123010015513-5 6475
-5 551501410 10901010105
1501510 1291000125
0 1291501610 12901010155
10 125001017017155
10 128010019018155
10 112100021019155
10 145010023020155
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text