2023 Penn Bowl at Texas

Round 6: Oklahoma B vs. Texas A

Oklahoma B


Kassidy Long02020
Christopher Lloyd02020
Ryan Little0000
Daniel Shamsee0000
4 bonuses for 40 points (10 PPB)

Texas A


Athena Shadden22145
Jisoo Yoo22145
Chinmay Murthy05430
13 bonuses for 220 points (16.92 PPB)

Kassidy LongChristopher LloydRyan LittleDaniel ShamseeBonusesTotalTUAthena ShaddenJisoo YooChinmay MurthyBonusesTotal
0 13001-5 10-5
0210 14110101035
10 1360100203-5 6630
10 1401000404-5 10125
40515 460101060
40615 75101010105
40710 760100125
0 139408-5 113120
40910 10910010150
401015 5001010185
401110 8310100215
401210 1060010235
10 14700106013-5 42230
601410 9001010260
601510 901000280
10 14001008016280
0 1348017-5 98275
801810 1071000295
801915 550100320
802010 1131000340
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text