2023 Penn Bowl at Texas

Round 6: Rice A vs. Texas C

Texas C


Owen Gilroy07260
Viraj Negandhi02115
Vince Ingersoll0000
9 bonuses for 90 points (10 PPB)

Rice A


Evelina Tcherniak003-15
Elise Stewart01010
Letian Li03220
Charles Wells12035
7 bonuses for 80 points (11.43 PPB)

Owen GilroyViraj NegandhiVince IngersollBonusesTotalTUEvelina TcherniakElise StewartLetian LiCharles WellsBonusesTotal
0 1300110 1300101030
0 142020 14230
10 1370100203-5 6225
-5 5915410 141100045
-5 13210545
-5 985610 123010065
10 1181000257-5 8660
10 1400100458-5 13655
45910 1401001085
0 119451010 1190100105
10 71101007511105
10 1150008512105
851315 71000120
85140 144120
851510 950010140
0 14185160 141140
10 134100010517-5 91135
10 125010012518-5 110130
10 13000013519130
10 114010015520130
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text