2023 Penn Bowl at Texas

Round 5: Rice A vs. Texas B

Texas B


Ryan Humphrey0111105
Gia Harvey-Slager03030
Parker Knudson0000
14 bonuses for 170 points (12.14 PPB)

Rice A


Evelina Tcherniak01010
Elise Stewart0000
Letian Li0115
Rahul Kumar01010
3 bonuses for 40 points (13.33 PPB)

Ryan HumphreyGia Harvey-SlagerParker KnudsonBonusesTotalTUEvelina TcherniakElise StewartLetian LiRahul KumarBonusesTotal
-5 82-5110 135100020
-5210 80010040
10 14401001530 14440
10 143000254-5 11435
10 84010045535
10 97100065635
10 115010085835
10 11101010115935
10 99010101451035
1451110 1481010065
10 11110001651265
10 143010101951365
0 122195140 12265
10 133010102251565
10 13110002451665
10 8401002651765
0 146265180 14665
10 8610002851965
10 9501003052065
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text