2023 Penn Bowl at Texas

Round 4: Texas A vs. Texas B

Texas A


Athena Shadden15065
Jisoo Yoo04040
Chinmay Murthy06155
16 bonuses for 240 points (15 PPB)

Texas B


Ryan Humphrey03315
Gia Harvey-Slager0000
Parker Knudson0000
Abhinav Rachakonda0000
3 bonuses for 20 points (6.67 PPB)

Athena ShaddenJisoo YooChinmay MurthyBonusesTotalTURyan HumphreyGia Harvey-SlagerParker KnudsonAbhinav RachakondaBonusesTotal
10 11500102010
10 1340010402-5 111-5
10 8710100703-5
10 970010904-5
10 1120001005-5 80-10
-5 589560 114-10
95710 980000
10 1151001012580
10 691001015590
10 921000175100
10 10001010205110
15 72000220120
10 10101010250130
10 10010100280140
10 10401010310150
3101610 107010020
10 781010103501720
10 118010103801820
10 124001040019-5 6515
4002010 111100035
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text