2023 Penn Bowl at Texas

Round 3: Texas B vs. Texas C

Texas B


Ryan Humphrey09185
Gia Harvey-Slager001-5
Parker Knudson001-5
Abhinav Rachakonda0115
10 bonuses for 70 points (7 PPB)

Texas C


Owen Gilroy06250
Viraj Negandhi10110
Vince Ingersoll0000
7 bonuses for 80 points (11.43 PPB)

Ryan HumphreyGia Harvey-SlagerParker KnudsonAbhinav RachakondaBonusesTotalTUOwen GilroyViraj NegandhiVince IngersollBonusesTotal
10 1020001010
10210 1151010030
10 107100030330
10 87001050430
50510 12100040
10 9600060640
10 134001080740
80810 1280101070
80910 16000080
-5 82751080
-5 117701110 12801010110
0 1527012-5 82105
701315 480010130
10 14210009014-5 129125
901510 961000145
-5 3585160 129145
-5 1228017145
10 1390100100180 139145
10 137001012019145
10 132010014020-5 92140
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text