2023 Penn Bowl at Texas

Round 2: Texas A vs. Texas C

Texas A


Jisoo Yoo15065
Chinmay Murthy05145
Athena Shadden02115
13 bonuses for 200 points (15.38 PPB)

Texas C


Owen Gilroy03315
Viraj Negandhi02115
Vince Ingersoll01010
6 bonuses for 70 points (11.67 PPB)

Jisoo YooChinmay MurthyAthena ShaddenBonusesTotalTUOwen GilroyViraj NegandhiVince IngersollBonusesTotal
10 124010103010
30210 105001020
10 104100050320
504-5 11615
-5 10445510 132100035
-5 7340610 138010055
40710 82010075
10 13410010708-5 8170
70910 101100090
10 120101001001090
10 153100101301190
10 13500101501290
1501310 9301010120
10 82010017014120
10 1220101020015-5 36115
15 38010022516115
10 11000023517115
10 95001025518115
10 1100101028519115
10 9810101032520-5 38110
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text