2023 Penn Bowl at Florida State

Round 10: Florida State A vs. Florida A

Florida State A


Reed Louis0115
Alejandro Valdivia01010
Ryan Carmichael03030
5 bonuses for 20 points (4 PPB)

Florida A


Biniam Alaro15065
Graham Cope05050
Eve Maramba001-5
Yuliang Huang02020
13 bonuses for 170 points (13.08 PPB)

Reed LouisAlejandro ValdiviaRyan CarmichaelBonusesTotalTUBiniam AlaroGraham CopeEve MarambaYuliang HuangBonusesTotal
10 14710002010
-5 11415210 146001020
10 8400025320
25410 9300030
25510 1270101060
10 11800035660
35710 1311001090
35810 870100110
35910 1510010130
10 11300105510-5 48125
55110 138125
551210 12010100155
551310 1080010175
551415 690010200
551510 1190010220
10 800006517220
651810 5610010250
651910 13010100280
652010 910010300
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text