2023 Penn Bowl at Florida State

Round 8: Florida State A vs. Florida B

Florida B


Bill Zhao03030
Jonathan Hunter001-5
Sophie Torres01010
Khanh Nguyen17180
12 bonuses for 110 points (9.17 PPB)

Florida State A


Alejandro Valdivia01010
Ryan Carmichael0115
Reed Louis0000
2 bonuses for 0 points (0 PPB)

Bill ZhaoJonathan HunterSophie TorresKhanh NguyenBonusesTotalTUAlejandro ValdiviaRyan CarmichaelReed LouisBonusesTotal
-5 139-510 1420
10 10100101520
10 11110003530
10 1350004540
10 8801006550
10 116010109560
95710 11100010
0 1219580 12110
10 780010115910
15 580001301010
10 14000101501110
10 1110001601210
0 145160140 14510
10 79100101901510
10 11401002101610
-5 802051710 13400020
20518-5 12215
10 11800102251915
0 142225200 14215
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text