2023 Penn Bowl at Florida State

Round 1: Florida State A vs. North Florida A

Florida State A


Alejandro Valdivia02020
Reed Louis001-5
Britain Godwin01010
Ryan Carmichael0000
3 bonuses for 20 points (6.67 PPB)

North Florida A


Sean Farrell0140140
David Rodebaugh01010
15 bonuses for 210 points (14 PPB)

Alejandro ValdiviaReed LouisBritain GodwinRyan CarmichaelBonusesTotalTUSean FarrellDavid RodebaughBonusesTotal
0110 130100020
0210 931001050
0310 610101080
10 8600010480
10510 1041000100
10610 10310010130
10710 1201000150
10810 1040010170
-5 11459170
51010 10410010200
51110 791000220
10 14500102513220
251410 1131000240
10 11400104515240
451610 7310100270
451710 146000280
451810 9610100310
451910 12501010340
452010 1120100360
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text