2023 ARCADIA at Carleton University

Round 10: Ottawa C vs. Toronto Ray of Sun in the Sky

Toronto Ray of Sun in the Sky


Sky Li16170
Joey Sun0000
Raymond Chen26185
15 bonuses for 250 points (16.67 PPB)

Ottawa C


Valerie Brown0000
Ian Theysmeyer11025
Anastacia Healey0000
Aedan Cooper02020
4 bonuses for 40 points (10 PPB)

Sky LiJoey SunRaymond ChenBonusesTotalTUValerie BrownIan TheysmeyerAnastacia HealeyAedan CooperBonusesTotal
10 69100103010
30215 700101035
10 89010050335
-5 414540 13435
15 43010070535
70610 90010055
10 10510100100755
10 1070010120855
10 111101010160955
10 12501001801055
15 5001002051155
10 10301002251255
10 971010102651355
2651410 11000065
10 112101002951565
-5 1102901610 132001085
15 2600103151785
10 1001010103551885
10 8500103751985
10 112010104052085
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text