2023 ARCADIA at Carleton University

Round 10: McDouble West Carleton vs. Ottawa A

Ottawa A


Gabrielle Clark02115
James Wang04135
Maude-Sophie Lockman21230
9 bonuses for 150 points (16.67 PPB)

McDouble West Carleton


Ian Chow15255
Kane Nguyen11025
Kevin Le0000
8 bonuses for 120 points (15 PPB)

Gabrielle ClarkJames WangMaude-Sophie LockmanBonusesTotalTUIan ChowKane NguyenKevin LeBonusesTotal
10 91100103010
10 13501010602-5 53-5
60310 1051010025
60415 24010050
15 77101010105550
-5 7310060 12950
15 6210100135750
135810 13510101090
-5 42130910 1350100110
1301010 1230010130
-5 1371251110 1610100150
10 1150101015512150
1551310 13310010180
10 131100017514-5 101175
10 83010019515175
0 132195160 132175
1951715 590010200
10 100001021518200
10 96001023519200
-5 98230200 130200
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text