2023 ARCADIA at Carleton University

Round 9: Ottawa B vs. Ottawa C

Ottawa C


Valerie Brown01010
Ian Theysmeyer03030
Anastacia Healey02020
Aedan Cooper03030
9 bonuses for 110 points (12.22 PPB)

Ottawa B


Ishan Joshi05145
David Gayowsky02115
Stuart Chandler-Baas0000
Stefan Vlad1030
8 bonuses for 100 points (12.5 PPB)

Valerie BrownIan TheysmeyerAnastacia HealeyAedan CooperBonusesTotalTUIshan JoshiDavid GayowskyStuart Chandler-BaasStefan VladBonusesTotal
0 136010 1360
0215 77100025
10 113010020325
20410 1341010055
10 142000305-5 12150
10 1220101060650
0 14460750
60810 11900060
10 14310100909-5 9455
10 143010011010-5 9650
1101110 112100070
10 1281010014012-5 7465
10 1450010160130 14565
10 150001018014-5 10360
1801510 1470101090
10 9201002001690
2001710 8601010120
2001810 1221000140
2001910 1471000160
200200 138160
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text