2023 ARCADIA at Carleton University

Round 8: Ottawa A vs. Ottawa B

Ottawa A


Gabrielle Clark02115
James Wang03030
Maude-Sophie Lockman14150
10 bonuses for 160 points (16 PPB)

Ottawa B


Ishan Joshi12415
David Gayowsky01010
Stuart Chandler-Baas02020
Stefan Vlad11025
8 bonuses for 100 points (12.5 PPB)

Gabrielle ClarkJames WangMaude-Sophie LockmanBonusesTotalTUIshan JoshiDavid GayowskyStuart Chandler-BaasStefan VladBonusesTotal
10 79010103010
10 87010106020
60310 1261001030
60415 321010065
60515 38001090
60610 82000100
-5 11555710 14601010130
10 14610100858-5 64125
85910 1090100145
10 1401010011510-5 88140
15 48001014011140
10 135010016012140
10 13900017013-5 66135
-5 1061651610 1450010155
10 1241001019517155
1951810 1140100175
10 1190101022519175
10 1501010025520-5 82170
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text