2023 ARCADIA at Carleton University

Round 6: Ottawa A vs. Toronto Ray of Sun in the Sky

Ottawa A


Gabrielle Clark001-5
James Wang12225
Maude-Sophie Lockman001-5
3 bonuses for 30 points (10 PPB)

Toronto Ray of Sun in the Sky


Sky Li1112115
Joey Sun0000
Raymond Chen03125
15 bonuses for 260 points (17.33 PPB)

Gabrielle ClarkJames WangMaude-Sophie LockmanBonusesTotalTUSky LiJoey SunRaymond ChenBonusesTotal
0110 93100020
0210 9710101060
10 1280100203-5 9455
-5 5615410 1521001085
15510 810010105
10 1280100356105
-5 12530710 133101010145
30815 210010170
30910 134101010210
301010 10310100240
301110 112000250
3012-5 74245
301310 760010265
301410 10210010295
0 1463015-5 93290
301610 87101010330
301710 960010350
-5 118251810 1311000370
15 5310005019370
-5 96452010 12301010400
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text