2023 ARCADIA at Carleton University

Round 6: McDouble West Carleton vs. Ottawa B

McDouble West Carleton


Ian Chow05240
Kane Nguyen0000
Nicolas Edwards13140
Kevin Le0000
9 bonuses for 160 points (17.78 PPB)

Ottawa B


Ishan Joshi13045
David Gayowsky03125
Stuart Chandler-Baas01010
Stefan Vlad02020
10 bonuses for 110 points (11 PPB)

Ian ChowKane NguyenNicolas EdwardsKevin LeBonusesTotalTUIshan JoshiDavid GayowskyStuart Chandler-BaasStefan VladBonusesTotal
10 12510002010
20210 74001020
-5 991530 12820
10 15210100454-5 11415
45515 55100040
-5 11240610 139010060
40710 125010080
10 87010060880
10 135001080980
15 601010101251080
1251110 1121000100
-5 761201210 13210100130
1201310 115000140
10 881001015014140
10 14210101019015140
10 78001021016140
10 781010024017140
2401810 1141000160
2401910 9101010190
2402010 820010210
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text