2023 ARCADIA at Carleton University

Round 3: Ottawa A vs. Ottawa B

Ottawa A


Adrian Wong03125
James Wang02115
Maude-Sophie Lockman002-10
Gabrielle Clark21230
8 bonuses for 140 points (17.5 PPB)

Ottawa B


Ishan Joshi04135
David Gayowsky02115
Stuart Chandler-Baas30045
Stefan Vlad0000
9 bonuses for 140 points (15.56 PPB)

Adrian WongJames WangMaude-Sophie LockmanGabrielle ClarkBonusesTotalTUIshan JoshiDavid GayowskyStuart Chandler-BaasStefan VladBonusesTotal
-5 70-510
15 571010104020
-5 8735310 141010020
10 7610101075420
10 78010095520
95610 118010040
-5 7590710 130001060
-5 8585810 145101010100
85915 460010125
10 100100010510125
15 43001013011125
10 1280101016012-5 89120
1601315 550100145
1601510 10310010175
-5 12315516175
1551715 37101010220
-5 931501810 1360100240
10 89010017019240
10 1380101020020-5 103235
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text