2023 ARCADIA at Carleton University

Round 3: McDouble West Carleton vs. Ottawa C

McDouble West Carleton


Ian Chow26185
Kane Nguyen04135
Nicolas Edwards0115
Kevin Le0000
13 bonuses for 220 points (16.92 PPB)

Ottawa C


Valerie Brown0000
Ian Theysmeyer0115
Anastacia Healey01010
Aedan Cooper02020
4 bonuses for 30 points (7.5 PPB)

Ian ChowKane NguyenNicolas EdwardsKevin LeBonusesTotalTUValerie BrownIan TheysmeyerAnastacia HealeyAedan CooperBonusesTotal
10 1381010104010
10 8301006020
10 13300108030
10 831010011040
-5 7010550 1320
15 68010013060
10 980101016070
10 890101019080
-5 52185910 128001020
0 129185100 12920
1851110 10300030
10 8300102051230
2051310 1080101060
0 131205140 13160
10 83010102351560
10 134100025516-5 7655
15 60101002901755
-5 992851810 13700065
10 78101003151965
10 132010103452065
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text