2023 ARCADIA at Carleton University

Round 2: Ottawa A vs. Ottawa C

Ottawa C


Valerie Brown11025
Ian Theysmeyer05050
Anastacia Healey01010
Aedan Cooper0000
8 bonuses for 70 points (8.75 PPB)

Ottawa A


Adrian Wong04040
Maude-Sophie Lockman0235
James Wang02115
Gabrielle Clark02020
10 bonuses for 190 points (19 PPB)

Valerie BrownIan TheysmeyerAnastacia HealeyAedan CooperBonusesTotalTUAdrian WongMaude-Sophie LockmanJames WangGabrielle ClarkBonusesTotal
0110 1090101030
10 113100020230
10 901010050330
50410 1000101060
10 137000605-5 8455
60610 1231010085
60710 840010105
10 1410010808-5 94100
0 1548090 154100
801010 9710010130
10 138001010011-5 103125
15 4200011512125
10 150001013513-5 111120
0 157135140 157120
0 1431351510 143101010160
10 81001015516160
1551710 10810010190
1551810 9501010220
1551910 7101010250
1552010 1110010270
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text