2023 ARCADIA at Indiana

Round 8: Chicago B vs. Illinois B

Chicago B


Ezra Santos02020
Nermeen Rahman04040
William Houston02115
8 bonuses for 120 points (15 PPB)

Illinois B


Akshar Goyal06155
Yash Mandavia0355
Jisoo Park12035
Sam Alahi0000
12 bonuses for 170 points (14.17 PPB)

Ezra SantosNermeen RahmanWilliam HoustonBonusesTotalTUAkshar GoyalYash MandaviaJisoo ParkSam AlahiBonusesTotal
0110 1010101030
0210 820101060
-5 113-5310 125001080
-5410 11610100110
10 13701010255-5 44105
10 1381000456-5 61100
45710 10001010130
45810 7610100160
10 13701010759-5 88155
10 1391010010510155
1051110 1150010175
10 121010012512175
1251310 120000185
10 150001014514-5 105180
1451510 11210010210
10 1441010017516-5 66205
1751710 1270010225
1751810 990100245
1751915 380010270
10 149100019520-5 82265
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text