2023 ARCADIA at Indiana

Round 6: Chicago A vs. Vanderbilt A

Chicago A


John Marvin02115
Robert Condron05240
Aden Sun03030
10 bonuses for 190 points (19 PPB)

Vanderbilt A


Aidan Fein05145
Gideon Kpurubu01010
Alan Wu01010
Gavin Markoff03030
10 bonuses for 140 points (14 PPB)

John MarvinRobert CondronAden SunBonusesTotalTUAidan FeinGideon KpurubuAlan WuGavin MarkoffBonusesTotal
10 10010002010
20210 117001020
-5 8215310 1271010050
10 1351001045450
10 1071010075550
75610 98010070
10 125010101057-5 8465
-5 54100810 120001085
10 16001010130985
1301010 761000105
10 8510101017011105
1701210 940010125
10 761001020013125
2001410 107101010165
2001510 1230010185
2001610 8710100215
10 65100022017215
10 910101025018215
10 980101028019215
-5 522752010 1150100235
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text