2023 ARCADIA at Indiana

Round 3: Notre Dame B vs. Vanderbilt A

Vanderbilt A


Gideon Kpurubu02020
Alan Wu02020
Gavin Markoff08270
Aidan Fein01010
13 bonuses for 230 points (17.69 PPB)

Notre Dame B


Michael Durrant014-10
Matthew Amante0000
Christopher Joseph0120
2 bonuses for 20 points (10 PPB)

Gideon KpurubuAlan WuGavin MarkoffAidan FeinBonusesTotalTUMichael DurrantMatthew AmanteChristopher JosephBonusesTotal
0 13801-5 69-5
10 112101010402-5
10 8701010703-5
10 100100101004-5
10 75101001305-5
130610 90010015
-5 68125710 130001035
10 8901010155835
10 1000010175935
10 123100019510-5 9430
10 10500020511-5 7925
0 129205120 12925
10 98010102351325
0 1312351425
10 92010025515-5 5220
0 134255160 13420
10 115100102851720
10 13110101032518-5 9015
10 1350101035519-5 8810
-5 74350200 13910
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text