2023 ARCADIA at Claremont Colleges

Round 7: I will play anything with a buzzer in front of me vs. SGV Capital

SGV Capital


Will Alston25555
7 bonuses for 130 points (18.57 PPB)

I will play anything with a buzzer in front of me


Anderson Wang17180
Jason Cheng05050
Travis Tu0000
13 bonuses for 210 points (16.15 PPB)

Will AlstonBonusesTotalTUAnderson WangJason ChengTravis TuBonusesTotal
-5 73-5110 14200010
-5 57-10210 118010030
-10310 1070101060
-10410 96101010100
-10510 96101010140
15 2401010256140
10 14901010557-5 63135
55810 890010155
15 5501010909155
10 871010012010155
-5 811151110 13110100185
10 731010014512185
-5 541401310 1290100205
1401410 7610100235
10 147100016015235
1601615 73101010280
-5 861551710 11910010310
1551810 6210010340
1551910 11101010370
10 791010018520370
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text