2023 ACF Fall at Rutgers

Round 10: Columbia A vs. Columbia B

Columbia A


Geoffrey Wu10385
10 bonuses for 140 points (14 PPB)

Columbia B


Nitya Nigam3125
Mihir Shetty3030
Andrew Yang2115
8 bonuses for 110 points (13.75 PPB)

Geoffrey WuBonusesTotalTUNitya NigamMihir ShettyAndrew YangBonusesTotal
10 44010103010
10 6810005020
50310 61001020
10 49010070420
0 104705-5 6715
10 2700080615
0 10880715
-5 3975810 61100035
-5 8770910 102001055
10 781010101101055
10 5610001301155
1301210 4310101095
1301310 190010115
10 108010015014115
1501510 107000125
10 10610101019016-5 34120
1901710 10310010150
-5 691851810 10410100180
10 91100020519180
10 101010022520180
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text