2023 ACF Fall at Rutgers

Round 6: Swarthmore B vs. Lehigh A

Swarthmore B


Isabel Hunt2020
Ben Rotko 3220
Alex Shi7070
12 bonuses for 130 points (10.83 PPB)

Lehigh A


Will Hollister3030
Waldo Dang1010
Steven McPhillimey000
Mukhil Krishnan01-5
Miles Jaffee115
Claire Wilson1010
6 bonuses for 90 points (15 PPB)

Isabel HuntBen Rotko Alex ShiBonusesTotalTUWill HollisterWaldo DangSteven McPhillimeyMukhil KrishnanMiles JaffeeClaire WilsonBonusesTotal
10 340001010
10 8200103020
30310 66001020
10 8310100604-5 4915
6050 10515
60610 291010045
10 481001090745
10 830010110845
10 6401010140945
1401110 70001065
1401210 109100085
14013-5 4680
10 7210001601480
1601510 7300090
10 7310001801690
1801710 1091000110
10 44001020018110
= winning team
10 = buzz value109= # of words into question buzz occurred, link goes to question text