
The Nagarakretagama was written as a eulogy to a ruler of this kingdom from the Rajasa dynasty. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this kingdom ruled by Hayam Wuruk, who was advised by Gajah Mada. Raden Wijaya founded this kingdom after driving away a Mongol invasion.
ANSWER: Majapahit Empire [or Wilwatikta]
[10h] The Nagarakretagama describes Hayam Wuruk performing a ceremony for his great-grandfather Kertanagara, a ruler of this other empire. The Pararaton, or Book of Kings, describes Ken Arok’s mythical reincarnation and founding of this empire.
ANSWER: Singhasari Kingdom [or Tumapel]
[10e] The Nagarakretagama focuses on the mix of influence of Hinduism and this religion in the Majapahit Empire. The Shailendra (“shy-LAIN-druh”) dynasty in Java constructed many temples of this religion, including Borobudur.
ANSWER: Buddhism [accept Mahayana Buddhism; accept Buddha Dharma]
<AK, World History>

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