
Answer the following about the history of foundling hospitals in Europe, for 10 points each.
[10e] In 1783, this kingdom’s queen Maria I proclaimed that all of its towns must have a foundling hospital. This kingdom established the Casa Pia to educate children in the aftermath of a 1755 earthquake in its capital.
ANSWER: Portugal [or Kingdom of Portugal; or Reino de Portugal]
[10m] This composer trained an all-female orchestra of foundlings at the Ospedale della Pietà in Venice, where he may have premiered his D major Gloria.
ANSWER: Antonio Vivaldi
[10h] In Italy’s Campania region, hospitals traditionally gave foundlings this Italian surname because of the condition they had after being abandoned in “foundling wheels.” Today, this is the commonest surname in Naples.
ANSWER: Esposito [or D’Esposito; or Degli Esposti; or Esposti; or Esposto; or Sposito; accept Espósito or Expósito] (The surname means “exposed,” either to the elements or to the protection of Madonna.)
<AP, Other Academic>

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