According to Pausanias, this city’s first king was a river god who mediated a land dispute between Hera and Poseidon with his brothers Cephisus and Asterion. For 10 points each:
[10h] Name this city founded by the culture-hero Phoroneus, who was said to have discovered fire. Pliny the Elder claims that another king of this city introduced wells to Greece after sailing on the first ship from Egypt.
ANSWER: Argos (The two kings are Inachus and Danaus.)
[10e] Zeus visited the Argive princess Danaë in the form of golden rain, leading to this hero’s birth. This hero used his shield as a mirror to avoid petrification while fighting a gorgon.
ANSWER: Perseus
[10m] In the longest aristeia of the Iliad, this king of Argos wounds Aeneus and Aphrodite. In book X (“ten”), this king teams up with Odysseus to steal the Palladium during a night raid.
ANSWER: Diomedes
<Liberty B, Mythology>
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