Daniel Ma

There are buzzable clues everywhere for those with eyes to see


History - European History04103598111.0001
Fine Arts - Classical Music and Opera2000302931.5022
History - Other History12103077100.3312
History - American History030130123134.6701
Modern World020120124129.0000
Literature - World Literature020020122129.5000
Science - Biology032020127132.0000
Science - Chemistry020120117125.5000
Other Science (Astronomy)010010109109.0001
Fine Arts - Painting and Sculpture010010112112.0001
Other Science (Math)010010137137.0000
Other Culture01105112112.0000
Literature - British Literature01105124124.0000
Science - Physics01105133133.0000
History - World History02305117124.5000
Literature - American Literature000000.0000
Literature - European Literature000000.0000
Other Science (Engineering)0010-50.0000
Social Science0010-50.0000


Fine Arts - Classical Music and OperaWolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s Clarinet Concerto1529
Fine Arts - Classical Music and Operasuspensions1534
History - World HistoryDarfur Sultanate-548
Science - Biologypolyspermy-571
Other Science (Engineering)surveying-577
History - Other HistoryPhilistines1577
Literature - British Literature“A Defence of Poetry”-582
History - European HistoryCrimean Khanate1098
History - Other HistorySalamis10100
GeographyIfugao rice terraces10102