The thoughts of a character from this country, such as “Hell is my maximum,” are stated at the end of each chapter of a novel and repeated as the first sentence of the next chapter. While in a place she calls a “minaret,” a character from this country realizes that she was hated by a woman who drew two people and a dog in charcoal on the wall. That character from this country vomits bread and milk before forcing herself to eat an object that sporadically exudes white paste. In a novel from this country, a man becomes the heir of a “Humanitist” philosopher on the condition that he take care of his dog, both named Quincas (“KEEN-kahss”) Borba. A woman has an existential crisis in this country after killing a cockroach in The Passion According to G.H. For 10 points, name this home country of Clarice Lispector and Machado de Assis. ■END■
Player | Team | Opponent | Buzz Position | Value |
Roan Dowling | Iowa A | Appalachian State | 141 | 10 |