
This ruler banished two prospective princesses for his heir, one for being a witch and the other for having a lesbian affair with a lowborn maid. The treatise Straight Talk on Farming accompanied this ruler’s push for agriculture reform that included the first standardized rain gauge. This ruler sponsored the creation of a cell-based music notation system in which the pitch is written as a beat. This ruler launched early examples of public opinion polls about his policies affecting the nobi class. A massive statue of this ruler was built next to his Gyeongbokgung Palace. The Ōei invasion against pirates on Tsushima was launched by this ruler, who assembled scholars in the Hall of Worthies to develop a block-based script. For 10 points, Hangul script was created by what “Great” king of the Joseon dynasty? ■END■

ANSWER: Sejong the Great [or Yi Do; accept Grand Prince Chungnyeong]
<World History>
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