
This thinker is the first in the title of a history by a Jimena Canales history that chronicles a debate in which their opponent insisted that two objects proposed by this thinker were “absolutely reciprocal.” A formulation by this thinker was described as “sexed” by Belgian philosopher Luce Irigaray for its privileging one concept over others. This theorist claimed that “the time of the philosophers does not exist” in a 1922 debate over time with Henri Bergson. This thinker characterized his determinist stance with the claim that “God does not play dice with the universe.” The word gedankenexperiment was coined by this thinker to refer to his thought experiments, like one that compares the time on clocks on a fast-moving train with those in a station. For 10 points, name this scientist who combined space and time in his theory of relativity. ■END■

ANSWER: Albert Einstein (Irigaray referred to E = mc² as a “sexed equation.”)
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