
In one poem’s second canto, scouts sent by this character are duped by an altar made by Bacchus. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this historical figure who is the main hero of a 1572 epic poem by Luis de Camões (“loo-EEZ day cah-MOISH”).
ANSWER: Vasco da Gama
[10e] Vasco da Gama appears in the Lusiads, the national epic of this country. Other authors from this country include José Saramago and Fernando Pessoa.
ANSWER: Portugal [or Portuguese Republic or República Portuguesa]
[10h] In the Lusiads, this character becomes the lover of Vasco da Gama. After leading him to a summit, she reveals the workings of the Ptolemaic universe to him and then narrates the voyage of Magellan.
ANSWER: Tethys

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