In 2022, a body stuffed into a barrel was discovered when this lake hit record low levels. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this lake where shipwrecks have been spotted near Henderson. This reservoir and the similarly created Lake Powell have been threatened by megadrought.
ANSWER: Lake Mead [prompt on Colorado River]
[10h] In August 2022, a UN agency warned that Lake Mead would soon reach this level, the point at which water no longer flows downstream from a reservoir because it is fully drawn down.
ANSWER: dead pool volume [prompt on minimum volume]
[10e] If Lake Mead ever completely dries out, hikers could inspect the remains of one of these events from 1948. A monument in Somerset County, Pennsylvania commemorates one of these events that occurred on 9/11 after passengers overwhelmed terrorists.
ANSWER: plane crash [accept equivalents indicating a crash or disaster occuring with an airplane or related to aviation; prompt on a crash or accident]
<Michael Bentley, Geography - United States> ~19873~ <Editor: Ganon Evans>