Arav Kaushik



Mythology - Greco/Roman030130102120.3301
Art - Visual020020112122.5000
Literature - British drama020020113118.5000
Religion - Hinduism0200208792.5000
Art - Painting/Sculpture021215138146.5000
Literature - European long fiction010010123123.0000
Literature - World/Misc long fiction0100108686.0000
Literature - World/Misc poetry0100107575.0011
Mythology - Americas0100109090.0001
Social Science - Mixed/Any010110129129.0000
Literature - American any010010138138.0000
Literature - American long fiction010010115115.0000
Literature - American poetry010110138138.0000
Literature - British long fiction010010112112.0001
Philosophy - Enlightenment010010141141.0000
Philosophy - Medieval010010119119.0000
Philosophy - Mixed/Any010010115115.0000
Religion - Mixed/Any010110132132.0001
Science - Chemistry010110143143.0000
Social Science - Linguistics010010125125.0000
Mythology - Egyptian010010111111.0001
Philosophy - Ancient010010147147.0000
Mythology - Mixed/Any011059898.0000
Literature - British poetry01105122122.0000
Science - Biology000000.0000
Mythology - East Asia0010-50.0000
History - American0010-50.0000
Literature - World/Misc short fiction0010-50.0000


Mythology - Mixed/Anydog-556
Literature - World/Misc poetryodes by Pablo Neruda1075
Art - Painting/SculptureGala Dalí-582
Literature - World/Misc long fictionGenji1086
Religion - Hinduismsati1087
Mythology - Americasmonkey1090
Religion - Hinduismreciting mantras1098
Mythology - Mixed/Anyislands of Hawaii1098
Literature - World/Misc short fiction"In a Grove"-5102
Mythology - Greco/Romancompetition for the naming of Athens10102