Texas B

Viraj Negandhi, Parker Knudson, Owen Gilroy, Kevin Liu

Ancient History and Archaeology215.00100%50%0%
British and Commonwealth History47.5075%0%0%
Current Events120.00100%100%0%
Fine Arts - Auditory Fine Arts410.00100%0%0%
Fine Arts - Visual Fine Arts110.00100%0%0%
History - American History310.00100%0%0%
History - European History412.5075%25%25%
History - World History210.00100%0%0%
Literature - American Literature96.6756%11%0%
Literature - British Literature30.000%0%0%
Literature - European Literature47.5075%0%0%
Other Arts: Auditory210.00100%0%0%
Other Arts: Visual110.00100%0%0%
Other Science: Computer Science110.00100%0%0%
Other Science: Earth Science215.00100%0%50%
Science - Biology110.00100%0%0%
Science - Chemistry518.00100%60%20%
Science - Physics420.00100%75%25%
Social Science36.6733%33%0%
World and Other Literature610.0083%17%0%