Tennessee A

Alina Moore, Alexander Wyrick, William Barnes, Danny Tran, Lucas Bolinger

Ancient History and Archaeology110.00100%0%0%
British and Commonwealth History215.00100%0%50%
Current Events110.00100%0%0%
Fine Arts - Auditory Fine Arts210.00100%0%0%
Fine Arts - Visual Fine Arts210.00100%0%0%
History - American History316.67100%67%0%
History - European History20.000%0%0%
History - World History10.000%0%0%
Literature - American Literature58.0060%20%0%
Literature - British Literature220.00100%100%0%
Literature - European Literature120.00100%100%0%
Other Academic120.00100%100%0%
Other Arts: Auditory36.6767%0%0%
Other Arts: Visual210.00100%0%0%
Other Science: Astronomy25.0050%0%0%
Other Science: Computer Science110.00100%0%0%
Other Science: Earth Science110.00100%0%0%
Other Science: Math25.0050%0%0%
Science - Biology210.00100%0%0%
Science - Chemistry36.6767%0%0%
Science - Physics25.0050%0%0%
Social Science10.000%0%0%
World and Other Literature36.6767%0%0%