Emory A

Cohen Wiegers, Tarun Koti, Luke Zhang

Ancient History and Archaeology310.0067%33%0%
British and Commonwealth History110.00100%0%0%
Current Events210.00100%0%0%
Fine Arts - Auditory Fine Arts611.67100%17%0%
Fine Arts - Visual Fine Arts518.00100%60%20%
History - American History520.00100%60%40%
History - European History320.00100%100%0%
History - World History618.33100%67%17%
Literature - American Literature56.0060%0%0%
Literature - British Literature65.0033%17%0%
Literature - European Literature36.6767%0%0%
Other Arts: Auditory215.00100%50%0%
Other Arts: Visual320.00100%67%33%
Other Science: Computer Science210.00100%0%0%
Other Science: Earth Science120.00100%100%0%
Other Science: Math10.000%0%0%
Science - Biology613.3367%67%0%
Science - Chemistry68.3367%17%0%
Science - Physics45.0050%0%0%
Social Science410.0075%0%25%
World and Other Literature510.0080%20%0%