
This book’s praise of “easy and pleasant” books like Aesop’s Fables influenced a businessman based in Reading (“redding”) who published a 1744 “pocket-book” that was sold with either a ball or a pincushion. This book states that “the principle of all virtue and excellency lies in a power of denying ourselves the satisfaction of our own desires, where reason does not authorize them.” Out of a Juvenalian concern with “a sound mind in a sound body,” this book begins with health-related advice such as saying that children should wear thin shoes so that they get used to having wet feet. This book grew out of a series of letters giving advice to Mary and Edward Clarke about their son, and was published with the encouragement of William Molyneux (“moll-ih-new”). For 10 points, the author’s previously published idea of the mind as a tabula rasa influenced what treatise on pedagogy by John Locke? ■END■

ANSWER: Some Thoughts Concerning Education [or Some Thoughts on Education] (The first sentence is about Locke’s influence on the children’s book publisher John Newbery.)
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