
One holder of this office was killed after foiling a plot to assassinate his rival Lucius Marcius Philippus, sparking the Social War. Before holders of this office were allowed to sponsor official laws, two of them put forward a set of proposals called the Licino-Sextian rogations. For a brief period starting in 451 BCE, the members of this office were illegally replaced by the decemviri, who codified the Twelve Tables of Roman law. (10[1])Before his death, Marcus Livius Drusus was a reformer who held this office, which was established after a protest held on the Sacred Mount outside of Rome. Holders of this office granted veto power over the decrees of other elected officials to protect one social group’s interests. For 10 points, name this Roman office that represented the interests of the lower class against the patricians. ■END■

ANSWER: tribune of the plebes [or plebeian tribunes; accept tribune of the people; prompt on tribune]
<Other History>
= Average correct buzz position


PlayerTeamOpponentBuzz PositionValue
Rasheeq Azad (UG)UNC B (UG)Maryland A (Grad)7210
