
An employee of this company named Ben Sklaver was arrested during an event where prostitutes were hired as strikebreakers against the Local 25. Employees at this company marched to the Cooper Union, sparking the Uprising of the 20,000 and Clara Lemlich’s involvement in a union. A law capping working hours to 54 per week was proposed by Frances Perkins after witnessing an event at this company. Under Russian immigrant owners (*) Isaac Harris and Max Blanck, this company moved to a high-tech loft space in the Asch Building. This company’s policy of locking the sweatshop exits increased the number of casualties in a 1911 disaster. For 10 points, 146 garment workers for what New York City clothing company died in a namesake fire? ■END■

ANSWER: Triangle Shirtwaist Company [or Triangle Waist Company; prompt on partial answer]
<Andrew McCowan, History - American - 1865-1945&gt; ~25167~ &lt;Editor: Michael Bentley>
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