
The narrator of a story by this author encounters a group of “ageless,” “sexless” ascetics when he is dragged through the solid wall of a mountaintop monastery that Anna joins. This author of “Monte Verità” wrote a story in which the central family hears three planes crash before the news cuts off on the radio. In that story by this author of “Don’t Look Now” set during a very cold winter, Nat Hocken seals up his chimney and the other entrances to his Cornish cottage after he is (*) attacked by the title animals. In this author’s best-known novel, the housekeeper Mrs. Danvers is devoted to the memory of the title character, a former wife of Maxim de Winter and mistress of Manderley. For 10 points, name this author of “The Birds” and Rebecca. ■END■

ANSWER: Daphne du Maurier [or Dame Daphne du Maurier, Lady Browning; prompt on Lady Browning; reject “Maurier”]
<Yingzhi Nyang, Literature - British - Short Fiction&gt; ~24775~ &lt;Editor: Jaimie Carlson>
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