Hollywood mogul Cecil B. De Mille pledged a private army of 75 men and a machine gun to defend Los Angeles in the panic after this document was revealed. For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this document revealed to the public on March 1, 1917 that promised one country certain “lost territory.”
ANSWER: Zimmermann Telegram [or Zimmermann Note; or Zimmerman Cable]
[10e] The Zimmermann Telegram was used as justification by this president, a Democrat, to declare war on Germany.
ANSWER: Woodrow Wilson [or Thomas Woodrow Wilson]
[10h] Wilson considered sending American troops to occupy this city in the state of Tamaulipas, site of Mexico’s first oil boom, in retaliation for the Zimmermann Telegram. 9 American sailors were detained in a 1914 “affair” in this state.
ANSWER: Tampico [accept Tampico Affair]
<Michael Bentley, History - American - 1865-1945> ~20804~ <Editor: Michael Bentley>