After a description of a report consisting of this sentence, a character develops “an expression of calm” on his face like he was “glad the end had come.” For 10 points each:
[10m] Name this title phrase of a 1928 novel that describes the ordinary day on which a man who earlier received Kemmerich’s (“KEH-muh-rick’s”) boots is killed.
ANSWER: “All quiet on the Western Front” [or “Im Westen nichts Neues”]
[10e] That sentence titles a novel by Erich Maria Remarque set during this conflict, where Paul and his fellow soldiers initially live in trenches.
ANSWER: World War I (“one”) [or the First World War or the Great War or WWI]
[10h] This soldier, who is a mentor figure to Paul, is the last of his friends to be killed, leading Paul to lose his will to live in the penultimate chapter of the novel. He has an impressive ability to find food.
ANSWER: Kat [or Stanislaus; or Katczinsky]
<Lalit Maharjan, Literature - European - Long Fiction> ~20282~ <Editor: Joseph Krol>